Kennedy Agyapong Clarifies ‘Strategist’ Comment, Says It Was Not Directed At Bawumia

In an interview with Roland Walker on TV3, Kennedy Agyapong, a flagbearer hopeful of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), clarified that his recent ‘strategist’ comment was not directed at Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

He stated that his remarks were actually aimed at John Kumah, who serves as a Deputy Minister of Finance and is also the Member of Parliament for Ejisu.

Agyapong emphasized that there was no intention to refer to the Vice President during his statement, contrary to public perception.

He further clarified that his comments were specifically directed at John Kumah, and not at any other individual.

During the interview, Agyapong stated, “I was referring to John Kumah… I was not referring to the Vice President.” This clarification aims to address the misunderstanding that arose from his earlier statement and to ensure that Vice President Bawumia is not associated with the remarks in question.

Mr Agyapong had fired the government for the poor management of the local currency.

He stated that in March 2022, he had $40 million in Cedi equivalent, but by August of that same year, the value had dropped to $16 million because of the depreciation of the Cedi.

Although Mr Agyapong did not mention any name, Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia who is also the head of the economic management team and an aspiring flagbearer of the NPP is usually blamed for the poor performance of the Cedi against the major trading ones, especially the Dollar.

As part of his campaign tour of Kintampo East on Sunday, July 16 to be elected flagbearer, Ken Agyapong who is also Assin Central lawmaker said “We will have troubles if we don’t do a clean campaign because I will reply to every claim made against me.

“You call yourself a strategist but when we were taking over power the Dollar was 4 Cedis, today One Dollar is Twelve Cedis and yet you call yourself a strategist.

“In March 2022 I had 40 million Dollars in Cedi equivalent, in August 2022 the value of the 40 million dollars had dropped to 16 million.”

The ‘strategist’ comment made by Kennedy Agyapong had garnered significant attention and sparked speculation about potential political implications within the NPP.

However, with this clarification, Agyapong aims to set the record straight and avoid any further confusion regarding the intended recipient of his remarks.

It remains to be seen how this clarification will impact on the internal dynamics within the NPP and the ongoing flagbearer race.

As the party prepares for its upcoming conference, the statement made by Agyapong is likely to be a topic of discussion among party members and political observers.

Vice President Bawumia has not yet publicly responded to the clarification made by Kennedy Agyapong regarding the ‘strategist’ comment. It remains to be seen whether this clarification will address any concerns or potential implications arising from the initial statement.

As the NPP continues its internal processes, including the selection of a flagbearer for the upcoming elections, the clarification made by Kennedy Agyapong brings some clarity to the situation, specifically regarding the individuals being referred to in his earlier comments.