ECOWAS Is 'Useless' - Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah Blasts West African Leaders

Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah, a lecturer at the Central University, has slammed the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) over their role in ensuring political stability across Africa.

A military junta, on July 26, seized power in Niger and ousted the President of the country.

Following the military takeover, the leaders of ECOWAS have called for the reinstatement of the President and threatened to send a "standby" military force to Niger to intervene in the situation.

Commenting on the issue during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah says the ECOWAS has over the years become useless in addressing the problems confronting Africa.

"They are not useful. There is no use for ECOWAS. From 1991, the problems of ECOWAS, 2023 it is still the same problems," he told host Kwami Sefa Kayi.

Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah called for restructuring of ECOWAS, stressing "it is about time we made the effort to rethink the ECOWAS structures".