Is Being An Establishment Candidate Wrong? - Simon Osei Mensah Asks Bawumia's Critics

Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah has queried critics who accuse Dr Mahamudu Bawumia of being an establishment candidate.

Opponents of the Vice President in the NPP Presidential race suggest that Dr. Bawumia is receiving preferential treatment and support from high-ranking members within the party and government.

It may be recalled that Mr Boakye Agyarko claimed Dr. Bawumia is a candidate the Jubilee House and everyone supports . . . "I was asked if there was an establishment candidate, meaning a candidate the Jubilee House and everyone supports and I replied in the affirmative, that indeed that candidate was Vice President Bawumia”.

Simon Osei Mensah speaking in a panel discussion on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' suggested even if the claim is true, there's nothing wrong with it.

" . . I've heard people talking about establishment candidate; he (Bawumia) was given the opportunity to serve and he took advantage of that to promote himself and because of that he has a lot of following. Let's even say the establishment candidate factor is true, is it wrong? If the President sees him (Bawumia) capable why not; assuming the establishment candidate is true . . . I don't see anything wrong with that. But in this case, he (Bawumia) worked hard on his own to get to where he is," he averred.

Listen to him in the video below