John Mahama And I Have Never Visited Each Other Before - IGP Dispels Rumors

IGP George Akuffo Dampare says he has never visited former President John Dramani Mahama before.

According to him, there has never been a time that he and the former President have ever met at his private residence.

He made this known before the Parliamentary Committee probing the Bugri Naabu leaked tape scandal.

The IGP answered questions on rumors of his close relationship with the former President which is to suggest that he shares political allegiance with the opposition National Democratic Congress and working against the governing New Patriotic Party to lose the 2024 elections.

"I don't visit His Excellency the former President. I don't!" and, vice versa, he noted that "the former President does not visit me".

Dr. Dampare disclosed this to dispel all allegations of him having political affiliations.

"I am a professional Police officer. We are servants of the people including His Excellency the former President and in my earlier submission, I did say even including a child of a week old as long as there is a service from policing point of view to be provided; whoever is involved I have a constitutional duty and responsibility to get it done and that is what it is", he told the Committee.