EC Limited Registration Exercise: Read What Prof Smart Said To Political Parties

Professor Smart Sarpong has called on all political parties in the country to assist the Electoral Commission in its ongoing limited registration exercise.

The Electoral Commission began the registration exercise yesterday and will end on Monday, 2nd October, 2023.

The exercise, taking place in all the 268 district offices of the Commission, is to ensure every eligible Ghanaian gets his or her name into the voters' register.

“Persons who have attained the age of 18 years since the last registration exercise and those who for one reason or the other did not register in 2020, should visit the District Office where they reside with either their Ghana Card or their Ghana Passport.”

“Eligible applicants who do not possess any of the identification documents listed above are required to present two (2) persons who are already registered voters to guarantee their registration.”

“The General Public is informed that it is a criminal offence for non-Ghanaians (foreigners) and persons who are not 18 years and above (minors) to attempt to register", a statement from the Commission read.

Contributing to Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", the Senior Research Fellow of the Kumasi Technical University, Prof. Smart Sarpong asked the district and Regional executives of the various parties to directly involve themselves in sensitizing people to partake in the exercise and conveying them to the EC district offices.

"Go from house to house to find out those eligible Ghanaians who don't have the card...and make arrangements. If we were going into elections, you would have arranged a bus and given them lorry fare to go and vote", he said.