2024 Elections: The Smartest Party Will Win, Not The One Who Will Complain About EC Processes - Prof. Smart Sarpong

Prof. Smart Sarpong, a Senior Research Fellow of the Kumasi Technical University, has deflated claims that the Electoral Commission's restriction to use Ghana Card for its registration exercise is somehow a ploy by the Commission to rig next year's elections.

The Electoral Commission has began its limited voters' registration exercise aimed at registering all eligible Ghanaians and ensuring their legitimacy to vote in the elections.

However, the National Democratic Congress has filed a law suit against the EC, challenging the process.

The party argues the use of Ghana Card will deprive lots of eligible Ghanaians their voting right.

But to Prof. Smart Sarpong, the Ghana Card is the safest and surest way in ensuring a clean voters' register and to promote a free and fair election.

He urged the parties to stop having issues with electoral processes by the Commission stressing, "2024, any of the two political parties can win but the winner will be the one that is very smart. It is the smartest party, not the one who will complain about everything of the process".

He made this comment on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Thursday morning.