#OccupyJulorbiHouse: Your Recent 'Unprofessional Behaviour' Is Extremely Worrisome - UTAG-UG 'Barks' at Police Service

The University Teachers Association of Ghana, University of Ghana branch (UTAG-UG)  says they have noted with grave concern the arrest and detention by the Ghana Police Service, of citizens who were congregating near the 37 Military Hospital on 21st September, 2023 to embark on a peaceful demonstration to the Jubilee House.

“We would like to remind the GPS that their unprofessional behaviour is an affront to, and has resulted in the violation of the rights of the demonstrators to freedoms of assembly, including the right to demonstrate in a peaceful manner, speech, association and movement, and their right to dignity guaranteed in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana . . . The recent tendency for the police to resort to court injunctions to prevent a constitutionally guaranteed right to expression instead of carrying out its constitutional duty of protecting citizens, is extremely worrisome and completely unacceptable,” a statement signed by its President, Prof. Ransford E. V. Gyampo said.

The Association is therefore calling on all concerned citizens and stakeholders to condemn such acts of arbitrariness, brutalization and perceived bias.

Read full statement here