Attack On UTV: Don't Only Condemn; Make 'Scapegoats' Out of Thugs as Deterrent to Others - NPP Told

A Social Commentator, Philip Abban has earnestly implored the New Patriotic Party(NPP) to not only condemn the barbaric attack on UTV that happened on the station's United Showbiz on Saturday but ensure the perpetrators are punished.

Some thugs of the ruling New Patriotic Party raided the studios of UTV disrupting its Entertainment Show as they demanded an apology from A-plus, a panel member, for tearing into shreds a letter that their party sent to UTV.

The letter instructed UTV to reform United Showbiz, with the New Patriotic Party believing it has turned into a political show instead of doing entertainment because the show broaches topics that bother on political lines.

The thugs took over the show and refused to vacate the set but for the timely intervention of the Police who arrested some to assist with investigations, the situation would have been messier.

The New Patriotic Party has condemned the act by their supporters; the party's Communications Director, Richard Ahiagbah emphasizing that “the NPP had not endorsed or sanctioned the disruptive actions, expressing strong disapproval of such behaviour”.

Government also registered its displeasure with the behavior of the party's youth who took matters into their own hands.

A statement released by the Information Ministry and signed by the Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, urged the Police to quicken its investigation after about sixteen (16) of the alleged NPP supporters were arrested.

“The right to free expression and the freedom of the media are key pillars of our democracy and must be fiercely protected,” Kojo Oopong Nkrumah said in the statement.

Tackling the incident during Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", Philip Abban cautioned the New Patriotic Party against interceding for the attackers.

"Don't only condemn but follow through to ensure there are results. They should serve as a scapegoat to serve as a deterrent to the rest of the foot soldiers across board either NPP, NDC, PNC, CPP, whatever political party," he told host Kwami Sefa Kayi.

He labeled the attack as "unappropriate. It's unacceptable and we shouldn't condone this kind of behavior in all levels and all angles".

He further warned political parties to "stop using the youth for our own political gains".

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