Burkina Faso Commander Linked To Failed Coup Killed - Army

Burkina Faso's security forces have killed a fugitive commander wanted for his role in last month's reported coup attempt, state-owned RTB TV reported on Sunday.

Ismael Tohobougou was implicated in the plot and had been on the run after being summoned by the military prosecutor for questioning, the report said.

He was among military officers accused of taking part in a failed coup against Capt Ibrahim Traoré.

The coup reports sparked pro-junta protests across the country.

The country's defence ministry on Friday announced the suspension of several army officers linked to the attempt. The chief of staff of the national gendarmerie, Lt Col Evrard Somda, was also dismissed and replaced by Lt Col Kouagri Natama.

Burkina Faso has been in a political crisis since the military toppled elected President Roch Marc Kaboré in early 2022.