Most Of Ghana’s Problems From NPP And NDC – Opanyin Agyekum

Head of the School of Languages at the University of Ghana, Professor Kofi Agyekum has attributed Ghana’s problems with development to the political duopoly between the two biggest parties in the country, the National Democratic Congress and the New Patriotic Party.

Answering a question on the failure of Ghana to develop its transportation sector on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo morning show on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, Prof. Agyekum said the root cause lies with the two major political parties.

“As for the knowledge we have it because we are learned as a people but the application of the knowledge is our challenge and all our problems is from NPP and NDC,” he stated.

He sought to explain that the two parties over the period have failed to put the interest of the nation first and will rather resort to pushing the interest of their parties at the expense of national development.

His assertion however was disputed by the head of the State Transport Company, Nana Akomea who argued that the issue had to do with political will.

Listen to Opanyin Agyekum below: