Stephanie Benson Debunks the Myth: "Breast Cancer Prevention and the Unfounded Narrative of Breast-Sucking”

Stephanie Benson, a Ghanaian singer based in the UK, has categorically refuted claims that breast sucking can prevent breast cancer.

During a recent interview on the “Best Entertainment Show” hosted by Halifax Ansah-Addo on OKAY FM, she expressed her deep frustration with this lingering myth and emphasized the absence of any scientific basis for such a claim.

“I get very angry when I hear it. We need to stop it; there are certain things you just don’t mess with. Whoever started that narrative needs to stop it. It’s never true [sucking breasts prevent breast cancer]. How can it be?” she questioned during the interview.

Furthermore, Stephanie Benson urged the public to reject such misleading narrative. She said due to this claim, some women may feel pressured into allowing breast-sucking, even if they don’t want to, which she deemed unacceptable.

“If that is real, why do we have chemotherapists? This is ridiculous! It prevents what? I don’t get it. It is the most irresponsible thing for anybody to say. Because some women are allowing the men to suck the breast even if they don’t enjoy it, and that’s almost like rape,” she stated passionately. “There are people who want somebody to suck it even if they don’t want to. I don’t understand; it makes no sense to me. So please, that narrative should be stopped. It makes no sense scientifically at all.”