Let Us Work Hard to Defeat John Mahama Again – Matthew Opoku Prempeh

Energy Minister, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh has charged members of the New Patriotic Party to work hard by canvassing for the party across the country in order to defeat the NDC’s John Mahama for the 3rd time.

This, according to the Minister, is because John Mahama has nothing to offer Ghanaians based on his track-record.

He said none of the NPP Flagbearer aspirants have been President before unlike former President Mahama who has been President and has an abysmal track-record.

Dr. Prempeh spoke at a meeting with delegates of Manhyia South constituency on Friday, 27th October, 2023 ahead of Saturday’s NPP Flagbearer elections.

He added that the global economic situation has made governments unpopular and the NPP is suffering from the same fate but charged the members to tell Ghanaians of the record of the party in the wake of these difficult circumstances as against same of the NDC where there were no exogenous shocks.

“We have to let the Ghanaian people know that, we haven’t made their lives all-rosy, we admit there are difficulties, but we are fixing the challenges. Another opportunity to continue the work we doing is better than giving a man whose ambition is just to complete his second term to equal the record of his predecessors”, he said.

The Manhyia South MP urged the delegates to see the November 4 election as an internal exercise, therefore should be devoid of animosity, bickering and antagonism.

“After the Presidential Primaries, we must come together, work together, hold together and defeat the NDC again”, he stressed.