You Need Kennedy Agyapong to 'Break the 8' - Allotey Jacobs Tells NPP

Former NDC Central Regional Chairman, Bernard Allotey Jacobs has appealed to the ruling New Patriotic Party to utilize the influence of the Assin Central Member of Parliament, Kennedy Agyapong, if they want to win the 2024 elections.

Speaking on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Wednesday morning, Allotey Jacobs noted that Kennedy Agyapong plays a very key role in the New Patriotic Party's victory, hence he shouldn't be sidelined by the party.

Hon. Kennedy Agyapong proved his mettle in a fierce contest with Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia in their party's presidential elections on Saturday, November 4.

Though Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia emerged victor, Ken pulled an impressive performance by polling 71,996 votes to come second on the list of four candidates who competed in the election.

Allotey Jacobs described the unique role Ken plays in the NPP's quest to retain power, stressing "if you say you want to break the eight, you will need him to break the eight".

He was however excited that Kennedy Agyapong pledged his support for Dr. Bawumia during the party's victory rally at the Accra Sports Stadium.

"The significance of the NPP flagbearership election is that history has been made," Allotey asserted as Dr. Bawumia becomes the first northerner and Vice President to lead the New Patriotic Party into a national election.