No Home Will Have Tap Water Problems Beginning from Monday - GWCL Assures

Ghana Water Company Limited says every area not having regular tap water will from Monday find their taps flowing.

The company is assuring all its customers to expect major development beginning from next week.

According to the company's Deputy Managing Director, Collins Nuamah, the irregular flow of water to homes and communities is as a result of some challenges with the company's machines.

He revealed that some of their machines have been damaged for awhile and also partly attributed the problem to some of their pipes being too old to withstand wear and tear.

"Some of our pipes are very old. Some date back since independence like areas like James Town; since independence, we haven't changed some of the pipes. So, we have challenges...but as a responsible company, we have 24-hour lines or service" that "when you see water leaking from somewhere and you call the line, quickly we will resolve it because we have dedicated team on standby and goes to resolve the problem whenever they receive a reportage telling where the water is leaking," Mr. Nuamah said in an interview with Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show.

He requested Ghanaians to report any pipe that leaks in their area to the company by calling their toll free line 080040000 for an immediate repair.

He further noted that concerned citizens can also take visuals of damaged pipes and Whatsapp them on 0555123393/0555155524.

Collins Nuamah assured all households and communities that have been without water for the past weeks or months that the company has taken steps to rectify the problem.

"From Monday, you tap will start flowing...We have hope that every area experiencing challenges will get water from Monday to go about your business", he promised.