Fire Officers Ready To Help Police Ensure Peaceful Polls In 2024 - Chief Fire Officer

The Chief Fire Officer Julius Kuunuor says the fire service is ready to support the police and other security agencies to provide security in next year’s parliamentary and presidential polls.

According to him, the service is aware that before the elections, the country is already in a busy season because of Christmas and they are not taking anything for granted. 

Speaking at a meeting of the national election security task force at the Police headquarters, the Chief Fire Officer said his team is always in readiness for national assignments.

“I want to assure the IGP and the EC chair that we are already in readiness and apart from elections we are in a busy season and we don’t take anything for granted. So we want to assure the IGP that we are ready for the task ahead”.

The IGP Dr Akuffo Dampare who was at the meeting also assured the chairperson of the Electoral Commission that everyone involved in the polls will be protected.

“We want to assure my sister (EC Chairperson) that we will continue to work with my colleagues here to ensure that just as elections in the country since I took over have been peaceful, the 2024 polls will be the same”.

On his part, the Chief of Defense Staff Vice Admiral Seth Amoama said the Ghana Armed Forces will be on hand to provide background support to the Police and other security agencies who will provide security for the 2024 elections.

“We in the Armed Forces commit to our constitutionally mandated duty to protect this country and prevent any aggression from outside the country and also from within and we do so by air, by sea and by land,  and even do at the peril of our lives”.

On the 2024 elections, the CDS noted “For the election proper we may not be in the upfront of election duties but we will be in the background to support you the Police Service and other security services. The Armed Forces is ready to act accordingly when we are called upon but for the election duties proper I will leave it to the security services to be in the forefront. We will always be in the background to act appropriately when we are called upon”.