District Assembly Elections: 'Learn from Your Mistakes' - Prof. Smart Sarpong Admonishes EC

Prof. Smart Sarpong, a Research Fellow at the Kumasi Technical University, has expressed disappointment in the Electoral Commission over their mishap yesterday in the district elections across the country.

The Electoral Commission (EC) rescheduled the district-level elections in some electoral areas in the Ashanti and Eastern Regions due to technical challenges involving the printing of ballots.

The affected districts which included Bantama, South Sontreso, Atwima Nwabiagya, Atwima Mponua, Dadeso and Santasi; according to a statement by the Acting Head of Public Relations at the EC, Michael Boadu, will vote on Thursday, December 21, 2023.

Discussing the matter during Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", Prof. Smart Sarpong feared the chaos that such a blunder on the part of the EC could erupt into should it occur in the 2024 national elections.

He wondered how come the EC failed to do due diligence before the day of the district elections to avoid these challenges and cautioned them not to repeat this problem in next year's elections stressing it would be extremely unacceptable for the Commission to interrupt elections.

"Learn from your mistakes. The EC job is more action than talk...Technical challenges could have been avoided...if the teams in charge did their work and did their work well," Prof. Smart Sarpong advised, hoping the Commission will up their game.