5TH Ghana Ministers Of State Excellence Honours (Minister Of The Year Award ): NAPO Is The Minister Of The Year 2023

Last night, Hon. Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh was named at the 5th Ghana Ministers of State Excellence Honours as "Minister of the Year 2023"

It was once again a testament that his modest contributions to nation building are being followed closely.

In his acceptance speech Napo as he is affectionately called remarked "It is a challenge and an encouragement to continue to give off my best as a public official, in the best of my ability to the people of Ghana.

Whilst I am eternally grateful to His Excellency, the President, for the opportunity to serve, I pay glowing tribute to the dynamic team I work with. They are the bulwarks behind the success story.

Overall, I am grateful to the almighty God for his protection and sustenance and for granting us resilience and fortitude.

This honour is once again deeply appreciated, Napo ended his remarks.