'Lawrence Agyinsam Is Our Preferred Parliamentary Candidate' - Hemang Lower Denkyira Constituents Declare

Members of the New Patriotic Party at Hemang Lower Denkyira constituency have pledged their full support for Lawrence Agyinsam, an aspiring candidate for the parliamentary seat in the area.

They declared Lawrence Agyinsam as their "preferred candidate" while on a health walk dubbed the "Afehyiapa Health Walk", marching with the parliamentary aspirant to file his nomination forms on Monday, December 25, 2023.

Over 3000 party faithfuls including polling station officers, electoral area officers and constituency officers  joined Mr. Agyinsam, the Chief Executive Officer of Exim Bank Ghana, to officially enter the parliamentary race.

"Mr. Agyinsam is the grass roots' preferred candidate because he has shown total faith in the youth in the constituency, helping many secure permanent jobs. Numerous young individuals have gained opportunities for recruitment into the Police Service, Military, Fire Department, Customs, GES, banks, Cocobod, local government. He has substantial businesses in the constituency, employing many and catalyzing development in the district.

"He is deeply committed to the development of the people, having constructed and repaired numerous boreholes in the constituency since 2004. Currently, he is overseeing the construction of 23 mechanized boreholes. He is seen as the key figure to help the NPP break the eight-year cycle in the constituency", the supporters extolled him.

Addressing the crowd, Mr. Agyinsam expressed gratitude for the love and support they have shown him and emphasized "a vote for him is a vote for jobs, development, victory, and opportunities".

He urged the party delegates to vote for him massively in January 2024 when the NPP holds its parliamentary elections, stressing he is the "people's choice".

Mr. Agyinsam also pledged to serve the constituents better when elected to represent the Hemang Lower Denkyira in Parliament in January 2025.