It'll Only Take A Witch To Break Faila's Cook-A-Thon Record - Communication Minister Says In Jest

Communication Minister and the Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West constituency has applauded Ghanaian chef Failatu Abdul-Razak.

Faila on Wednesday, successfully completed a 227-hour cook-a-thon attempt, spending 10 days in the kitchen.

Chef Failatu Abdul Razak started the attempt on New Year’s Day to break the current longest cooking marathon of 119-hour record set by Alan Fisher.

Communication Minister Ursula Owusu-Ekuful is confident that no one can surpass Faila's 227-hour record, except if they are a witch.

"This shows the resilience of women. I don’t know the number of men who’ll be able to stand on their feet for over 226 hours. We’re proud of her. Well done I’m so impressed. I even get waist pains standing for half a day to cook; not to even talk of standing for over 200 hours. God bless her. She’s really done well. We’re rooting for her. I don’t think anyone can break this record; except if they are a witch" she stated on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo'