Independent Presidential Candidate Outlines Vision

An Independent Presidential can­didate of the Save The Nation Movement, Desmond Kwame Abrefah, has said he would utilise the country’s human and natural resources for national development, if voted into power.

“The reason why we are coming into politics this year, is that we have realised our country’s focus and where it’s head­ing towards is not what we expected it to be. Our water bodies, lands and other natural resources are being destroyed without anyone fixing them up.

“Our vision is to find a leader, who can move our country to the next level? Ghana as a country must be a model for the whites to also know that indeed the Blacks also have the wisdom and knowl­edge to run their affairs without running to them for ideological supports,” he said.

Mr Abrefah said this when he ad­dressed a press conference last Monday, to inform the public about his intention to contest this year’s general election and outline the vision he had for the country.

According to him, the country’s eco­nomic woes which had led to increased unemployment were due to the failure of past leaders to set long-term goals and the reliance on the political manifes­to rather than national policies.

He decried the low level of infrastruc­ture development across the education­al, health and social sectors, as well as the poor maintenance culture of the citizenry.

Also, he underscored the need for the country to train adequate engineers who could maintain or service machines that were procured abroad as the country spent a lot of money in acquiring new ones when the old ones became faulty and were being disposed of.

He further advised the citizenry to eschew partisan politics and come together to ensure the socio-economic development of the country, adding “I believe that every individual, regardless of party affiliation has something good to offer the nation.