Work On National Cathedral Site Resumes?

Work on the construction of the National Cathedral has resumed after several months of suspension.

The project, which was initiated by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in 2017 as a symbol of national unity and spirituality, has been scheduled to be completed in 2024.

However, lack of funds, resignation of some members of the board of trustees, and exposes from the Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, among others, put the project on hold from 2023.

A video showed that construction works have resumed at the site.

From the video, it shows that the foundation of the cathedral has been covered and heavy trucks are moving on site.

The National Cathedral is expected to cost about $200million.

Watch the video below:

National Cathedral Project: Foundational pit now covered
Ama Ghana..hmm#KNUST#WONTUMI

— Ama_B (@AmaWhikie) January 25, 2024