#NPPDecides: Lydia Seyram Alhassan Acclaimed As Ayawaso West Wuogon Parliamentary Candidate For Second Time 

Hon. Lydia Seyram Alhassan has been unanimously endorsed as the 2024 Parliamentary candidate for Ayawaso West Wuogon for the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Hon Lydia Alhassan was popularly acclaimed by the party on Friday, 26th January, 2024 at a ceremony held at the Shiashie Presbyterian Church.

The Electoral Commission's electoral officer for Ayawaso West Wuogon, Lydia Agyiri, lifted the hands of the MP after a thunderous applause by delegates.

Addressing the delegates after her acclamation, she stated; "I will not be complacent. Let's do away with bickering and backbiting to enable us to break the 8. I forgive all those who insulted me and will plead with you to also forgive each other. Let’s move on and promote peace because our competitor is not ourselves but the NDC.”

"Breaking the 8 is possible and I promise I will not let the party down”, she told the party supporters.

The Second Deputy Majority Chief Whip also took the opportunity to introduce several youth empowerment programs in her area to create jobs for her constituents and to better their lives.

The programs include skills training, supporting individuals in practical educational programs and engaging a number of people in her self-sponsoring constituency developmental projects.

She called on the youth to be "her backbone" to retain the seat.

The acclamation ceremony was attended by party bigwigs including the NPP Greater Accra Regional Chairman, Divine Otoo Agorhom, Grace Acheampong, Greater Accra Women’s Organizer, national and  constituency executives and some Ministers of State.