Fight Against Corruption Lost Under Corrupt Akufo-Addo, Bawumia - Sammy Gyamfi

The Communication Officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Sammy Gyamfi, has said that the fight against corruption in Ghana has been lost under the leadership of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

He made these remarks while highlighting Ghana's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) performance over the past seven years, in a statement.

"Did you know that Ghana’s best Corruption Perception Index performance was achieved in the year 2014, under the leadership of H.E John Dramani Mahama, when the country attained its highest CPI score: a score of 48?" Gyamfi questioned.

He went on to contrast this with the worst CPI performance in the last decade, which he attributed to the Akufo-Addo and Bawumia administration in 2017, recording a score of 40.

He also pointed out that even in John Mahama’s worst CPI performance, a score of 43 in 2016, it still surpassed Akufo-Addo and Bawumia’s best score under the CPI of Transparency International.

According to Gyamfi, these figures demonstrate a clear decline in Ghana's fight against corruption under the current government.

"Did you know that John Mahama’s worst Corruption Perception Index performance, was a score of 43, recorded in the year 2016. And that, this score remains Akufo-Addo and Bawumia’s best score under the CPI of Transparency International?

"It is glaringly clear, from Ghana’s performance under the CPI in the last seven (7) years, that the fight against corruption has been lost by the corrupt and wasteful Akufo-Addo/Bawumia/NPP government, who have institutionalized corruption and made it a thriving free for all venture. Never in the history of Ghana has any government enabled, facilitated, promoted and defended corruption like this government has done," he added.

He continued to accuse the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia/NPP government of institutionalizing corruption and allowing it to thrive unchecked.

He listed some scandals under this government, including BOSTGATE, PDS, PPA Contracts for Sale, "Galamsey" fraud, Ameri Novation, missing excavators, missing fertilizers, missing oil, missing tricycles, Sputnik V Vaccine, COVID-19 funds "chop chop," Number 12, Appearance Fee, Gold Mafia, stolen rice, and the latest stinky SML scandal.

"From the BOSTGATE scandal to the PDS scandal, to the PPA Contracts for Sale scandal, to the 'Galamsey' fraud scandal, to the Ameri Novation scandal, to the missing excavators scandal, to the missing fertilizers scandal, to the missing oil scandal, to the missing tricycles scandal, to the Sputnik V Vaccine scandal, to the COVID-19 funds 'chop chop' scandal, to the Number 12 scandal, to the Appearance Fee scandal, to the Gold Mafia scandal, to the stolen rice scandal, to the latest stinky SML scandal; Jack Toronto and his younger brother and Mentee, have facilitated, perpetrated and promoted corruption, leading to unprecedented financial losses to the state.

"Jack Toronto and his younger brother and mentee have facilitated, perpetrated, and promoted corruption, leading to unprecedented financial losses to the state," Gyamfi alleged.

He further accused the government of failing to protect the public purse, as promised during their opposition campaign, and instead, wasting state resources on what he described as "useless ventures."

The communication officer further claimed that the government has not only failed to fight corruption, but has actively targeted corruption fighters.

He mentioned the murder of anti-corruption investigative journalist Ahmed Suale, the ousting of the former Auditor General, Yao Domelevo; the resignation of the former Special Prosecutor, Martin A.B.K Amidu; and the oppression of several journalists and critical voices, as examples.

Gyamfi concluded with a political call to action, warning the public that a vote for Vice President Bawumia is essentially a third term vote for a corrupt Akufo-Addo and his alleged "greedy cabal of family and friends."

He wrote, "Remember, that a vote for Bawumia is a third term vote for corrupt Akufo-Addo and his greedy cabal of family and friends.

"Don’t let your vote, aid them to escape from accountability. Rather let your vote, aid the state to hold them accountable.

"A vote for H.E John Dramani Mahama (The Nation Builder) is the only way, we can hold these crooks accountable for the several crimes they have committed against our beloved nation."