Maurice Ampaw Denies Gay Claims

Legal practitioner, Maurice Ampaw vehemently denied allegations of being gay, asserting that he has engaged in sexual relationships with numerous women, surpassing the count of 100.

Ampaw, known for his outspoken nature and affiliation with the New Patriotic Party (NPP), addressed rumors surrounding his sexuality amidst discussions about the Anti-LGBTQ+ bill currently under consideration in parliament.

“I love women a lot, and there’s no interest whatsoever in engaging romantically with men, which is against my principles,” Ampaw stated in an interview on Kasapa FM.

He emphasized his commitment to heterosexual relationships and clarified that he is now married with six children, including newborn twins.

When pressed about the exact number of women he has been involved with, Ampaw candidly remarked, “Only God knows the number. It’s a lot, and even surpasses 100.”

Ampaw’s remarks come amid heightened debate over LGBTQ+ rights in Ghana, with the Anti-LGBTQ+ bill stirring controversy nationwide. As a vocal advocate for the bill, Ampaw’s personal life has been subjected to scrutiny, leading him to address the speculation head-on.

Despite the allegations and public scrutiny, Ampaw remains resolute in his stance, reaffirming his commitment to traditional heterosexual relationships and family values.