Jack Toronto And All His Small Brothers Are Part Of The Mess That We Are Going Through – Says Mahama

Former President John Mahama says no member of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) can be exonerated from Ghana’s present economic challenges.

According to him, all those who contributed to the country's current situation are now trying to distance themselves from the mess.

Speaking during a town hall meeting in Tamale as part of his "Building Ghana Tour" on Thursday, the flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) said that people are now claiming they were not given the authority to implement solutions to the economic challenges.

“All of them they inside, Jack Toronto and all his small brothers are part of the mess that we are going through.

“None of them can escape responsibility, none of them because they have all been a part of this. They all sat in cabinet together, they all took those decisions together. Anytime they were going to borrow from the Eurobond market, they approved it in cabinet.