Ken Ofori Atta To Get New Govt. Appointment?

The former finance minister Ken Ofori-Atta may be appointed as the senior presidential advisor on the economy, with focus on international investment and the capital markets, according to Asaase News sources in the Office of the President and the Ministry of Finance.

If appointed, his job will see him focusing on attracting international investments to Ghana. This should see him leveraging on his huge international network.

However, a source close to the former Finance Minister, said there has been no letter confirming this appointment.

Our checks at Jubilee also confirmed that Dr Kwaku Afriyie has also received no letter confirming the speculation of his appointment as an envoy on climate.

According to the source close to the former Finance Minister, Mr Ofori Atta intends to take a “reasonably long and deserving break.” He’s expected to travel out of town later this week.

Mr Ofori-Atta, who lost his job Wednesday, served as Finance Minister for 7 years, making him the longest to have held the portfolio in the history of Ghana’s democracy.
Dr Kwaku Afriyie, the former Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, who, as disclosed, is slated to be appointed as President Akufo-Addo’s special envoy on Climate, is the Member of Parliament for Sehwi Wiawso but opted not to contest for the next parliamentary election.

They were both among the long list of ministers and deputy ministers who lost their jobs in what has been described as the biggest ever reshuffle in the history of Ghana’s Fourth Republic.

Mohammed Amin Adam, the current Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance, took over yesterday as the substantive Minister for Finance.

He is scheduled to meet with the IMF today.

Sources at both Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Ghana are confident that there will be a smooth transition, ensuring continuity in the Ghana Government’s debt restructuring negotiations with private creditors and for the second ECF review of the International Monetary Fund.

Sources at the Presidency suggest there are still some major changes to be made and this may take place as early Monday.

The expected appointment of a Climate Change envoy, in particular, is in line with recent global trends. The United States President, Joe Biden, upon assumption of office, appointed John Kerry, as the first U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.

Other countries such as China, the United Kingdom, and France, have also appointed climate envoys and international non-governmental organisations, like the World Bank, IMF and the United Nations (UN) have all appointed “Climate Change” envoys.

There are talks of a possible reshuffle of the majority front in Parliament. This is likely to be announced on Monday, after a scheduled National Executive Council meeting of the New Patriotic Party.