‘I’m a Tiger’ -  Nana Akomea On Response To Fiifi Kwetey’s Tribal Comments Against Bawumia

Nana Akomea has clarified his response to the General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) over the latter’s recent tribal tirade at the presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

The NDC General Secretary, Fiifi Kwetey described the NPP flagbearer and Vice President of the Republic, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, as a disgrace to northerners stating the Vice President has failed in his duties to the people of Ghana, particularly the northern sector.

Nana Akomea, who is not known for throwing missiles at opponents, chose to meet the NDC Chief Scribe boot for boot and, in a write-up, reacted to Fiifi Kwetey’s jab at the Veep.

Akomea argued that Fifi Kwetey should not overlook similar lamentations made by another NDC politician from the North, Martin Amidu.

The STC CEO and Deputy Campaign Chairman of the Bawumia campaign team reminded Fiifi Kwetey of Martin Amidu, who held various positions within the NDC including Deputy Attorney General, Vice Presidential candidate, Attorney General and Minister of Justice and the first occupant of the Office Of Special Prosecutor, publicly labeling former President John Dramani Mahama as a disgrace to the North in 2015.

Nana Akomea Replies Fiifi Kwetey

“I have seen a video of Mr Fifi Kwetey, shouting to an audience in the Northern Ghana, that Dr Bawumia was a disgrace to the North, and warned voters in the North not to vote for Dr Bawumia on account of his “disgraceful ” behaviour.

“Dr Bawumia’s behaviour that caused Mr Fiifi Kwetey to warn voters in the North against him, is not clear, but l remember another lament about “disgraceful” behaviour against another politician from the North.

“This particular lamentation came from another NDC politician, Mr Martin Amidu…Mr Amidu believed that President Mahama’s tolerance of corruption was so disgraceful that it would be difficult for the country to vote for another Northerner to become president.

“In Amidu’s words “…because of his behaviour, for the next 20, 30 years this country will not vote for a Northern President and he is disgracing me as a Northerner; and l don’t like it”.

“If Fiifi Kwetey is looking for a politician who has been a “disgrace” to the North, he need not look further than in his party, as testified by a Northern NDC politician”,
Nana wrote.

I am a Tiger

Akomea’s response seemingly shocked the host of Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo” morning show, Kwami Sefa Kayi, because he is not known for exhibiting such behaviors.

Mr. Sefa Kayi therefore gave the STC boss during the programme on Tuesday, February 20, the opportunity to explain why he would engage in something uncharacteristic of his nature.

In reply, Nana Akomea justified his comments stating although naturally he wouldn’t do what he did, he however chose this route because the person who verbally attacked Dr. Bawumia is no less a person but General Secretary of the largest opposition party.

He stated that “if it were any other person like some party organizer somewhere”, he would not have found it worthy to reply the comments but Fiifi Kwetey holds a prominent position, hence his utterances demand a response.

Nana Akomea described himself as a  “tiger”, stating sometimes he has to roar to put certain people like Fiifi Kwetey in check.

"I am a tiger...So, the likes of such people, the only way you can straighten them is to show them that the path they've taken is wrong"
, he asserted.