Hemade Worldwide Advocates For Collaboration And Sustainability In Ghanaian Fashion

Ghanaian fashion designer Sedinam Hemade, CEO of Hemade Worldwide, emerges as a beacon of creativity, innovation, and advocacy.

With seven years of operation under her belt, Sedinam's journey from a passionate fashion enthusiast to a respected industry leader is a testament to her unwavering dedication and vision.

Sedinam's love affair with fashion began in childhood, nurtured by her mother's gift of a baby doll and a basket filled with colorful threads.

This early exposure ignited a spark that would later evolve into a full-fledged passion. After completing a certificate course at Joyce Ababio and gaining invaluable experience at Voc Style, Sedinam embarked on a transformative journey to France, where she pursued a degree in Fashion Design and Technology at the prestigious International Fashion Academy (IFA).

During her time in Paris, Sedinam had the privilege of working alongside renowned global designers like Imani Ayissi and Luisa via Roma, immersing herself in the world of luxury fashion.

Her experiences at IFA and her collaborations with industry giants enriched her understanding of fabric, construction, and design aesthetics, shaping her into the visionary designer she is today.

Upon returning to Ghana, Sedinam founded Hemade Worldwide with a mission to redefine Ghanaian fashion and promote collaboration within the industry.

Drawing inspiration from brands like Pistis and Urban Giant, Sedinam believes in the power of unity to propel Ghanaian designers onto the global stage.

"Sometimes we need to foster unity in the fashion industry because it’s still growing in Ghana," Sedinam emphasizes. "Doing collaborations will help designers maximize consumers because, at the end, it benefits all of us."

At the heart of Hemade Worldwide lies a commitment to sustainability and empowerment. Sedinam's dedication to minimizing waste is reflected in her approach to design, where she repurposes leftover fabrics to create stunning pieces that embody elegance and environmental consciousness.

"I haven’t made myself a sustainable designer because I don’t waste fabrics," Sedinam explains. "These pieces I don’t like to go to waste to promote sustainability and help with the environment."

As CEO of Hemade Worldwide, Sedinam leads by example, nurturing talent within her team and creating a supportive working environment where creativity flourishes. Her dedication to training and empowering individuals underscores her belief in the transformative power of education and mentorship.

For Sedinam, fashion is more than just clothing—it's a lifestyle. Her designs are a reflection of her ethos, blending timeless elegance with comfort and individuality.

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for innovation, Sedinam continues to push the boundaries of creativity, inspiring others to join her in shaping the future of Ghanaian fashion.


As she continues to advocate for collaboration and sustainability, Sedinam Hemade stands as a true visionary, leading the charge towards a brighter, more inclusive future for the Ghanaian fashion industry.

"We have to use a fabric that is adaptable to our kind of weather," Sedinam asserts. "Fashion is about originality, and everyone has a different silhouette. We have to suit their body type and be able to trick the eye."

In the ever-evolving landscape of fashion, Sedinam Hemade is a guiding light, illuminating the path towards a more vibrant, sustainable, and collaborative future.