My Over 60 Policy Proposals are Transformative - Mahama Assures Ghanaians

Former President and flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama has said that the over 60 policy proposals he has made are meant to bring a great transformation to the Ghanaian economy.

According to the former president, the policies made were carefully designed to restore Ghana’s economy back to where it ought to be.

Addressing the 2024 NDC Policy Dialogue at Peduase in the eastern region, John Mahama revealed his intentions of making Ghana the dream place where every youth would long to be.

He says he means business with the proposal.

Mr Mahama said, “I mean business on the promises I have made and intend to keep them.”

Popular of Mahama’s policy is the 24-hour economy policy which, according to him, will create more jobs for the youth to reduce unemployment that has been created by the current administration.

In addition to the 24-hour economy is the Digital Jobs solutions which intends to create more jobs for the youth within the digital space.

He asserted that these initiatives could significantly enhance the country’s fortunes, particularly its economic landscape.

“Since 2021, I have outlined over 60 different policy proposals, carefully curated to restore our economy and national life in general, to a much better state,” he added.