I Don’t Like The Ghana I’m Leaving Behind – Brigadier Nunoo-Mensah

A former Chief of Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces, Brigadier Joseph Nunoo-Mensah has admonished government to consider the experiences of neighbouring countries to avoid any uprising from the citizenry.

According to the retired army officer, the surrounding countries failed to take the plight of their citizens which, thereafter, resulted in the recent governmental overthrows.

Brigadier Nunoo-Mensah expressed grave worry over the manner in which the incumbent government has ignored the plight of Ghanaians.

“Let's look at the nations that have had coup d’etat in recent times in the ECOWAS sub-region, let's look at ourselves. We have to be honest with ourselves.

“Today in Ghana, we are facing serious economic and social problems; very serious ones but our governments are behaving as if there is no problem.

"When you look at the ordinary people in this country, how they are facing life it is hard, it is rough, but we don’t even want to accept that times are hard,” Brigadier Nunoo-Mensah lamented.

Speaking to Raymond Acquah on Joy News monitored by Peacefmonline.com, Brigadier Nunoo- Mensah continued to pour out his disappointment in President Akufo-Addo’s inability to tackle the draconian economic issues when delivering his last State of the Nation Address in Parliament on Tuesday.

According to him, prices of food and commodities have sky rocketed leading to a financial distress on the living conditions of Ghanaians.

He said, “When my good old friend, our president spoke I was looking forward to answers to these problems that we are facing especially with food. You cannot buy local food cheaply. If at my level, I cannot buy simple food like gari, cassava, or yam cheaply then there is a problem."

“The problem is going to get even harder and when we don’t want to accept that it is going to get pretty rough if we don’t take care, we are going to have a massive food crisis that might lead to all kinds of problems.”

He underscored the need for the government to consult some senior citizens who have the expertise to offer their solutions to the seemingly unending economic challenges.

“At the age of 80 getting to 88, I don’t have too much time to live. I don’t like the Ghana I am leaving behind. We are looking for answers to our political, and socioeconomic problems.

“We need to find a solution. The NPP, NDC thing it is not working and one must be honest about it,” he added.