12-Year-Old Girl Betrothed Not Married To Gborbu Wulomo - Ayikoi Otoo

The GaDangme Council has clarified that the relationship between Nuumo Borketey Laweh XXXIII, a traditional Ga priest and a 12-year-old girl is simply a betrothal and not marriage.

The 63-year-old Gborbu Wulomo was criticized for participating in a marriage-like ceremony with the young girl, Naa Okromo, after a video of the ceremony surfaced online.

The controversial event occurred on Saturday, March 30, 2024, in Nungua.

Responding to this issue, the GaDangme Council in a statement signed by its President, Ayikoi Otoo said it is “important to clarify that the traditional ruler has stated that the relationship with the underage girl is a betrothal and not a marriage. This distinction to us has altered the legal implications.”

“We are inclined to side with the Gborbu Wulomo since the original reportage made the point that there was another ceremony that awaited the girl to purify and prepare her for procreation.”

According to the Council, such actions put her education in jeopardy and may even endanger her health during childbirth, as her body may not be adequately developed for pregnancy and delivery.

“She should continue her education until she reaches the legal age of marriage, and even marriage should not disrupt her education if she is still willing to continue.”

Meanwhile, “The GaDangme Council also urges the parents of the child to keep an eye on her and let her understand that notwithstanding the betrothal demanded by custom, she is still a child and entitled to enjoy life and engage in youthful activities like all others of her age"