Camouflage And Concealment Roguery

Camouflage and concealment are well-recognized military tactics. With congress, it is roguery. Coming to you soon, my compatriots, is one of the worst of congress con jobs. It is a hatched dog born scheme of the chosen no longer the chosen but the chosen ceding the choice to a not chosen to become a chosen. ICT brand names tend to have upper and lower case acronymic arrangement. A congress formulation, AtaMah, was sold and got bought for some 40000. After ninety million spent to confirm the brand name for 2012, a scheme is far advanced to change things to a MahSomething. This is no TV3 Babie kokonsa talk. This is a professorial analysis backed by evidence of years of congress trickery which enabled a provisional military junta to last eleven years and metamorphose into congress of con men and women. The design envisages no time for any serious contest to co-opt an attachment to the dropping of the first part for a second part replacement. Definitely, she who alongside him born dog will not have a dog�s chance of contesting and winning; especially not with an earlier close to hundred per cent trouncing. The motherland could be in luck because the trickery could solidify the resolve of the born dog camp to yank their 3.1% from the 50.23% to throw out the thieving team B which even the born dogs have come to realize are a bunch of greedy chop chop bastards. Tofeakwa, such an era of the rogue of the rogues associated with STX roguery being handed a carte blanche to accentuate the motherland�s woes of chop chop loan this and loan that with nothing to show for any of it. See all the blackmail over a USD3 billion loan. My compatriots, you heard them mouthing it all over the place that the NPP would be finished if Parliament passed an STX $1.5 billion loan. Now that everyone has seen that dubious deal scatter, they want to cover it up with a double double $3 billion loan. Poor motherland will have to cough up $37 million, that much money, each year to pay as commitment in return for nothing � not a single project � all because they want $37 million each year to chop chop as the booty for having been questionably voted into power. I wish my highly knowledgeable traditionalists would have resisted the congress blackmail tactics. When they asked for a 10% enabling oil money, congress violently opposed because congresspeople saw chop chop for chiefs and for them. Now, my traditionalists are swallowing the congress bait of less than one per cent of the oil money amorphously buried in $3billion loan. I hope posterity will judge them right for abandoning a 10% fight for one per cent crumbs of deceit. As for the bottom tree people, I can hardly understand. There were trains running in the motherland as at December 31, 1981. There had been trains running long before even under Blaa Kutu. Virtually, every little congress deed convinces me that they stole the 2008 election; because no one who works hard to genuinely win an election will be consumed with scrambling for mansions, and seizing cars, and projecting sheep or goat or any small animal as a big animal cow. My compatriots, please remember greed is without limits. Any one regime that will mortgage a country�s future by contracting loans worth more than the nation�s GNP over a period of thirty months out of a forty-eight month term, is dangerously greedy and can never stop being greedy. Anything good, congresspeople manage to destroy by turning things upside down. I thought, along with you, my right-minded compatriots, that BOT simply means builder, use your own money to build, operate and then transfer to someone else. Now, congress of greedy bastards has turned it upside down into BWMBBTTOATTTT; that is, build with money borrowed by the transferee, operate and transfer to the transferee who borrowed the money for you to build. That huhudious acronym, in all certainty, suggests corruption of the highest order and greed unimaginable even by greedy born dogs. The patriots have a huge task of ensuring all the stealing that is planned by manipulating the electoral system through no-go areas and all other 2008 tricks happen not again. Nay, the motherland�s woes must not be allowed deepening with a post-2012 congress which has implicated itself in 2017 succession in 2012. My compatriots, please find some microscope and watch the congresspeople with the eyes of an eagle. Else, they will swindle you and con you by marshalling your own tax money and revenue from the resources of the motherland of all of us by bribing you peanuts so you can vote them to continue with their insatiable greed.