Jehovah Witnesses End Convention

A three-day convention for Jehovah�s Witnesses ended in Nyanyanu in the Central Region on Sunday with the assurance to the more than 3,148 delegates that the Kingdom of God was close to removing mankind�s problems. Their conviction in the upcoming Kingdom was reinforced by many bible discourses, symposia, interviews, costumed drama, highlighting the Kingdom as the only true government to restore hope in the future. The convention on the theme: "Let God's Kingdom Come", put together by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, is part of series of 71 conventions at 26 different locations throughout Ghana. It focused on God's Kingdom, a Government that Jesus urged Christians to pray for. Mr Stephen McIntyre, the Convention Chairman, quoted Philippians 1:27 and urged convention delegates to learn, apply and love the good news about the Kingdom as well as bible principles that would help them become good citizens of that government. Speaking on the theme: �Are You Behaving as a Kingdom Citizen,?� he stressed that only those who loved and abided by the things taught by Jehovah about the Kingdom would be worthy to be citizens. Mr Samuel Gaskin, Co-ordinator of the News Service Department for the Convention, encouraged parents to spend time together to worship, talk, eat, work with and entertain their children. The Witnesses� children were reminded to remain obedient to their parents and to shun bad association, unwholesome entertainment and ungodly conduct. The delegates were thrilled to view a full-costume drama based on the Genesis narrative about Joseph, a son of the patriarch Jacob, highlighting how young people could stand up to ridicule and resist peer pressure. Two brochures, �Listen to God and Live Forever,� and �Live Forever,� together with a revised volume one of the book �Questions Young People Ask, Answers that Work� and a DVD on the history of the Witnesses was outdoored. Fifty-four of the delegates symbolised their dedication to God with water baptism.