�Attorney-General Should Not Be Burdened"

The call to decouple the office of the Attorney General from that of the Minister of Justice has been reiterated by yet another legal brain. Chris Adomako Kwakye, a law lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology says the duty of the Attorney General �should basically be to advise government�. He says the prosecution of cases should be given to an independent entity. �The Attorney General is prosecutor and at the same time advises government. Considering that he is a cabinet minister, if there is a breach of contract for example involving another cabinet minister, prosecuting him would put the Attorney General, who is also minister of justice, in a tight position�. The law lecturer was speaking in a live telephone interview with Focus news during the major bulletin. He says judgment debts have been around for a long time but the problem currently is that the government is paying too much of it. He urges governments not to be too quick to abrogate contracts but look at all possible avenues to rather modify them to suit the nation. He also decried the situation where a new government terminates a contract just because it was awarded by the government of an opposition party. Asked whether it was feasible to do what he was proposing, he says �Ghanaians should decide what we want as a nation�. -