Photo: Boy Walks To School On His Hands

A ten-year-old boy has been walking to and from school on his hands every day for the last four years. Yan Yuhong, of Jiaba village, Yibin, in China�s Hubei Province, was left partially paralysed by a childhood illness. He initially crawled to get around but learnt to walk on his hands when he was just four-years-old. Yan has to get up much earlier than his classmates � as his journey takes him an hour-and-a-half each way.He can also get about with crutches but says he can walk much faster on his hands. His father is also disabled, leaving his mother as the sole bread-winner, but Yan is determined to finish his schooling. �I don�t want to quit,� he said. �I want to study hard, and support myself in the future.�