Judgement Debt Commission postpones Sitting

The Judgement Debt Commission on Monday postponed its sitting after representatives of three state institutions failed to appear before it. The three state institutions are the Ministry of Finance, the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) � Customs Division. A representative of the Ministry of Finance was to appear before the sole Commission in the matter of Balaji Gemlust Company Limited versus Ghana Consolidated Diamond Company Ltd, in which the state paid $1,800 to the former. Mr Kofi Dometi Sokpo, Counsel for the Commission, explained that the Ministry was to present evidence of payment to the Commission. However, the state official who was supposed to do that has travelled to the United Sates. The Counsel said the BNI was supposed to present to the Commission any evidence of notices of intention to sue the state for judgement debt, but due to the handing over of the out-going National Security Coordinator, Lieutenant Colonel Larry Gbevlo-Lartey to the in-coming Coordinator, former BNI Director, Mr. Yaw Donkor. According Mr Sokpor the BNI had asked for an adjournment to May 14. The GRA was supposed to furnish the Commission with the tax status of Construction Pioneers (CP) in respect of their activities in the country. The Commission has, therefore, set Wednesday May 21 for the GRA�s representative to appear before it. The Sole Commission�s next sitting would be on Tuesday, May 13.