Arguing With Your Partner Can Treble Your Risk Of Dying Young

Individuals who argue and disagree for petty reasons are at an increased risk of dying young, according to a new study. Frequent squabbles in family life, personal relationships and work not only rob a person of their happiness, they also leave them feeling irritated and anxious. Danish researchers found quarrelsome men and women are two to three times more likely to die young. They examined nearly 9,875 men and women aged between 36 and 52 to note the impact of psychological reactions to stress rates on premature death. The participants were asked about their relationship with friends, family, children and co-workers and about the things that made them unhappy. The study, led by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, said stress induced high blood pressure and heart disease are the key risk factors for early death. It was observed that subjects who regularly dealt with conflicts in personal relations had about 50 to 100 per cent likelihood of dying from the life-threatening health conditions, reports MD Connect. Nearly 10 per cent of the respondents blamed children for causing stress and nine per cent said they were aggravated by their partners. About eight per cent reported being pressurised and irritated by demands from social relations. Participants who were unemployed or fired from their jobs faced emotional trauma and stigma and also had very rates of early death. �While we've long known the protective role that healthy social relations play, the results of this study suggest that social relations are actually more like a double-edged sword, as they can also be destructive when unhealthy,� said Dr Simon Rego, study co-author and director of psychology training at the Montefiore Medical Center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. The findings prove men are particularly vulnerable to breaking under the extreme pressure of providing for a family, the study said. And that explains why more men succumb to heart disease and strokes at a young age, the researchers say. However, the study did not prove a cause and effect relationship and the study authors believe other factors like genetics, socio-economic status, environment and psychological reactions are associated with higher risk of death. They urge people to adopt and develop skills to handle and deal with stressful events without getting agitated to reduce the incidence of premature mortality.