Five (5) scientific reasons why you should kiss

A kiss is a touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, or greeting. Kissing isn�t just a sign of love and affection; it also has some amazing benefits too. If you haven�t kissed your partner today, here are 5 scientific reasons why you should kiss them now IT LOWERS YOUR STRESS LEVELS: Are you going through a lot of stress? If the answer is yes, then you should kiss your partner more. Kissing helps lower your stress levels and there is proof too. According to researchers from the Arizona State University, 52 people didn�t only feel close to their partners, they were significantly less stressed based on a psychological stress scale after spending 6 weeks making kissing a priority in their everyday lives. IT PREVENTS CAVITIES: If you love your teeth and you want to lower your chances of tooth decay, then you should kiss as kissing increases saliva flow, which helps prevent tooth decay. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, when you kiss, the saliva flow helps to increase the tooth enamel and also washes the bacteria off your teeth, which in turn helps break down oral plaque. IT HELPS REDUCE BLOOD PRESSURE: If you are experiencing high blood pressure, then you ought to kiss more. According to research, when you kiss, it dilates your blood vessels and therefore helps reduce blood pressure. Why don�t you reduce your blood pressure today by kissing? IT HELPS STRENGTHENS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: If you want to strengthen your immune system, then you should kiss more. According to a study published in Physiology & Behavior, kissing helps improve your resistance to having an allergic reaction. Isn�t this a good reason to kiss? IT HELPS BURN CALORIES If you need to burn some calories, then you should consider kissing your partner more. According to research, you burn between 2 to 5 calories every minute you spend kissing. So if you kiss for 30 minutes, you could burn up to 150 calories. So if you thought kissing is all about getting ready for sex, then you are so wrong. Kissing also has some health benefits too. Why don�t you reap these benefits by kissing today?