3 Rules For Success With Women

Hey, Just lifted this for your reading pleasure because it summarizes a lot about the dating game� So enjoy the article. It breaks my heart to see that a lot of guys could increase their success with women ten-fold if they�d only focus on 3 points of massive leverage. You see, small things can have a tremendous impact. I�m always looking for these small things that will give you the edge, long term. When it comes to being an attractive man, you really have 3 simple points to focus on that will yield the BIGGEST results for you: 1. Be in good shape (i.e., exercise). Yes, as simple as it sounds, simply working out and exercising will give you an exponential edge with women�not only because you�ll lose weight and be more muscular, but also your level of energy, enthusiasm, and optimism will go through the roof. The good news? You don�t need to be Dwayne �The Rock� Johnson. According to a study of evolutionary theory, the android body shape with greater musculature on the upper body and a narrow pelvis with a little waist is associated with higher testosterone and good health. This is the classic �V-shaped� body, and men with this type are seen as more dominant. Anyone can get �V-shaped� in record time. 2. Dress well for your body type and personality. It�s such a blessing to be a man in the sense that, when it comes to fashion, it�s relatively easy to look good. Women don�t expect you to be a slave to fashion, but a bit of thoughtfulness in the way you dress will take you a long way. 3. Be facially expressive. The last one is simply be alive and happy, and show it! A lot of guys who don�t progress with women are just stone-faced. They are not expressive. They give the impression that they�re dead inside, and women just find it repellent. Often, it�s due to a negative self-image or not using your body enough (see point 1). This will change your dating life in a week! Have an amazing day!