Man Chops Off Penis And Throws It In River After Wife Leaves Him

A heartbroken pensioner chopped off his penis and threw it in a river when his wife left him for a toy boy doctor after 50 years of marriage. Turgut Oymen, 73, had been preparing to celebrate his golden wedding anniversary with lifelong sweetheart Nese, 70.

However, while she was 550 miles away in Istanbul, the OAP called her husband to say she had fallen in love with a 55-year-old doctor, and had decided to stay in the city. In despair, Mr Oymen went down to a local river, cut his penis off and threw it into the water before calling for an ambulance.

The bleeding pensioner, from the village of Kiziltas in central Turkey, was taken to hospital where doctors operated to patch up the gaping wound after a search of the river bank failed to find the missing organ. A hospital spokesman said: "He lost a lot of blood and is lucky he didn’t die at his age.

"He told medics that he had decided to get rid of his manhood because he felt it was useless and he felt like he was no longer a man." Pal Mehmet Koc, 70, said the father-of-six had been devastated by the news, adding: "He was absolutely devoted to Nese and when she said she wasn’t coming back his whole world fell apart. "He phoned her and begged her to return but she refused, saying she was in love with this doctor.

"He said he had devoted his life to her and could not even think about meeting someone else."

Mr Oymen is now recovering and being treated for depression.