It's Not Pretty What I am Hearing - Imani Boss

Folks, it is not pretty what I am hearing and seeing happening to friends these days, Sydney Casely-Hayford Egbert Faibille. Jnr R. Yofi Grant Kathleen Addy and now Kofi Blankson Ocansey whose car brakes were tampered with.

The other men had their car tyres tampered with and now Kathy had armed robbers in her house this week. We should be careful . I was robbed off my SUV in 2011 at GUN POINT and NEVER found that car again. I am tempted to believe now that elements either within government or sympathetic to the government are at play. All these men and women have been asking only decent questions.

Be careful . Mr. President, if any of these men and women are hurt in any way, your government will be held responsible.