Akesse Brempong Set To Release New Single #Godisworking

The Contemporary gospel scenes in Ghana have over the few years experienced the springing forth of some vibrant young artistes. These firebrand artistes are taking the contemporary gospel music in Ghana to a whole new level. They combine musicality with intense spirituality drawing in a whole new followership that hitherto had nothing to do with gospel music.

Paramount amongst these vibrant new artistes is the man Akesse Brempong touted ‘Da Crazy Love Dude’. Akesse made an entrance unto the contemporary gospel stage two years ago with his hit single “Crazy Love’’ thrilling gospel music enthusiasts with his style, vocal prowess and his prolific song writing ability. The release of his 12 track “Songs In The Night’’ album last year shot the young artiste into international limelight.

Before long, the Ghanaian artiste was sweeping awards both home and abroad. The exhilarating motion picture to his tune “Crazy Love” did not only thrill Ghanaian viewers but it also made its way to international platforms like ABN and KICCTV in the UK.

Having churned out great gospel reggae tunes like ‘Crazy Love’, ‘Closer’, ‘Wonder’ and My ‘World (Toala-ta-ta-ta)’ Akesse Brempong is fast becoming the household name for gospel reggae in Ghana. It was therefore not surprising when the multiple-award- winning artiste early this year announced that he was going to concentrate on the gospel reggae genre for a while.

At his recent concert ‘Agape Carnival’ the premiere out-door gospel reggae carnival held at the West Hills Mall in July this year, thousands of gospel music lovers were up on their feet jamming in the Holy Ghost with Akesse Brempong and his band, Tribe of Judah.

Speaking on the inspiration for his new release #GODISWORKING Akesse Brempong says “God is Working is inspired by the birth of my son Chenaniah. My wife Dicta and I waited nearly four years for the fruit of the womb. We kept believing God and holding on to his promise. When it was time for us to have him, God turned around an armed robbery attach on my wife to announce the coming of our boy.

What the enemy meant for evil turned out to be the precursor for the good news we had waited nearly four for. We may not fully comprehend the ways of God but we can trust every word that he says to us. #GODISWORKING is a simple song that will inspire faith in everyone that hears it”.

#GODISWORKING is set in a typical Akesse Brempong root-rock-reggae style. The techno approach to the instrumentation amidst Akesse’s velvety vocal delivery puts the tune in a class of its own. It’s the kind of song that draws you into the music and before you realise you will be singing ‘bu-bu-ba-bu-bu-be-be’ and putting one finger in the air.

Akesse’s management team in a press release stated that the song produced by Kwame Keys, the South Africa based Ghanaian producer extraordinaire will be released online on Tuesday 8th September, 2015 and made available for some free downloads.