On Zanetor Rawlings' Facebook Wall

Happy New Year.

According to the Gregorian calendar it is 2016.

For those who didn't make it into the new year, we give thanks for their lives and pray their spirits are back with God.

For the rest of us-

Good health, unity, integrity, peace, love, mutual respect, abundance, success and fulfilment of purpose.

For those who are sick, may they find healing;

Those in conflict, true peace and harmony;

Those in despair, hope;

Those in bondage, true freedom;

May our thoughts and words and actions be in alignment with "I AM".

May we epitomise the love of God as it translates into every sphere of our lives.
If we are all a source of light, then let us be the light so that we may banish the shadows.
Let us work together to restore our core values and make Ghana, Africa and our World a better place!

Blessings and Grace to all!!!

Z. A. R.