Relationship Begins With God � TB Joshua

In the SCOAN Sunday Service of February 7, 2016, after a time of anointed praise and worship, the congregants received food for their souls from the man of God, Prophet T. B. Joshua.

As he dwelt further on certain salient truths about the Christian race, he enlightened the congregation on the attitude required of the true Christian in order to maintain and sustain relationship with their Creator.

According to Prophet T. B. Joshua, no Christian should consider themselves out of touch with the harsh reality of trials, attacks and challenges as this form the basis for their elevation.

“As a Christian, take note of this word of exhortation. Anything close to Jesus receives attack. If you are in the place where God wants you to be, the devil will do everything to dislodge you, displace you out of the relationship. It is a sign. When the devil knows you are in a place God wants you, that this is your destiny in your hands, he will fight you. By thinking that you are out of touch, you are giving the devil a chance. I pray you will see that attack you are going through as an object that separates impurities, as a refiner of character, a builder of character,” he said.