XYZ Premieres How US Chiefs Of Staff Work

At the right hand of the American President stands a man with the toughest job in Washington- The Chief of Staff.

The Chief of Staff of the White House is an Assistant to the President of the United States. 

And as Chief of Staff he/she oversees the Executive Office of the President (EOP) of the United States of America. 

This office was created in 1939 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and is responsible for a variety of critical functions in support of the president’s work and agenda.

Watch intimate interactions with former Chiefs along with two former Presidents behind the closed doors of the Oval office and discover closely guarded secrets to being "The Presidents' Gatekeepers". 

"The Presidents' Gatekeepers" showing Wednesday, 27th of July at 7pm on TV XYZ on your multiTV Digi box or search on your DTT digital TV.

TV XYZ, "The more you know"!