Soldiers Allegedly Assault Personnel As NSS Registration Turns Chaotic

The registration process for this year’s national service personnel turned chaotic when some military personnel moved in to maintain order.

The presence of the military was necessitated by a long disorganized queue of prospective personnel.

Some prospective service personnel told Citi News’ Caleb Kudah that the military in an attempt to maintain order assaulted them by using belts and sticks on them.

They lamented that they began forming a queue at about 5:00am on Monday, but at daybreak, the military personnel asked them to re-form the queue which resulted in some confusion and an attempt to restore calm by the military led to a stampede.

A lady reportedly suffered serious injury and bled profusely when a military officer hit her head with a stick in a bid to control the chaotic scene.

Those affected by the Monday morning chaos were personnel who have been posted to serve within Ledzokuku Krowor Municipal Assembly (LEKMA) and La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly (LaDMA).

Registration of service personnel every year is fraught with chaos as personnel struggle to go through the process at most centers especially in the Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions where the most number of personnel are posted.

A total of 91,871 personnel were deployed this year to serve in various institutions as part of their 1-year mandatory service to the country.

Most of the personnel were deployed to serve in the Greater Accra Region.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the National Service Scheme, Ussif Mustapha, who visited the scene says he has not been briefed about the incident.

He also challenged calls for an online registration system to replace the current manual system which is often fraught with such chaotic and long queues.

Registration for this year’s National Service personnel ends on 24th August, 2017