Sugarcane Extract May Relieve Stress-Induced Insomnia

A new study – published in the journal Scientific Reports – examines the effect of octacosanol in stressed sleep-deprived mice.

The research was carried out by a team of scientists led by Mahesh K. Kaushik and Yoshihiro Urade, both of the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine at the University of Tsukuba in Japan.

Octacosanol is an antioxidant whose anti-inflammatory, anti-adipose tissue, and anticoagulant properties have previously been documented in studies referenced by the authors.

The compound has also been shown to help to prevent Parkinson’s disease in animal models.

Kaushik and colleagues believe that in our modern, stressful world, we are in dire need of sleep-inducing therapies that can help to alleviate insomnia.