15-Year-Old Boy Kills Himself Over Girlfriends

A 15-year-ol teenager, Brandon Rayat is reported to have killed himself by hanging.
The reports said the teenage boy killed himself in his bedroom after suffering abuse from bullies who were jealous of the attention he got from girls at school. 

Brandon Rayat took the unfortunate action after being tormented for months by other teenagers who allegedly called him a paedophile. Some even went to the extent of threatening to rape his mother.

The abuse was so consistent and unbearable that the Leicester schoolboy begun to suffer mental health related issues.

Despite efforts by his mother Mina who even quit her job as a hairdresser to support her son, the innocent boy could not withstand the trauma.

His troubled parents who first became aware of their son’s predicament in April 2015 revealed the youngster had attempted unsuccessful suicide couple of times prior to his death

According to his mother, Mina, “the bullies got in his head and sucked the life out of him, it just wasn't Brandon.

"Brandon was a handsome boy and a lot of girls took a shine to him as he got older, I think the bullies were jealous of that.

“He even shaved his hair off so he could be like them, he just wanted to be accepted.

“He wanted to go to university and become a doctor, he had his whole life planned out. But these boys were relentless.

"He used to love school, but within a few weeks of the bullying starting, he was asking us to move to another country so he would never see them again.”

Brandon Rayat was subjected to both physical and mental abuse coupled with online torture on daily basis for more than one year.

He kept himself indoors for fear of seeing his oppressors and could no longer attend school.

His parents, Mina and Raj Rayat, reportedly vowed to get justice for their son after bullies taunted him by sending him messages from a social media account in the name of Jimmy Savile and made rape threats against his mother.

Brandon, according to the Dailymail, had broken up with his girlfriend in February 2015 but it wasn't until April that his parents realised that the bullying was serious when he had a breakdown.

“Some of his friends told us that he got a lot of attention from girls at school who liked him and that went against him.

“He had started telling me he didn't want to go school and that he didn't like the people there but I didn't realise how bad thing were until he had the breakdown.

“He came running into the house one day and he was screaming, 'I want to die, I want to die'.

“I had never seen him like this before so I made a GP appointment,” his mother said.

The development compelled parents of the teenager to refer him to The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) where he attended 11 appointments.

He continued to suffer constant abuse after the Psychiatric medical care when his friends noticed the female attention he received and isolated him, calling him a “paedo” and others.

Further reports suggest that during an ICT lesson, bullies showed Brandon a Google Maps image of his home and told him, “We know where you live, we are going to rape your mum.”

He also reportedly ran out of school twice when he was punched by bullies.  His mother also received messages from other children in her son's class claiming that tormentors were playing “mind games’ with him.

The 41-year-old bereaved Mina said “We told our son on his deathbed we would get justice for him. The signs were all there but no one would listen.

“We did everything we could as parents, I felt there was nowhere else to turn but were just passed around like no one cared.

“We want to get the message across that there will be consequences for bullies.

“I've had parents come forward who are going through the same, even doctors who know that the system is failing,” Mina added.

In her tribute to the lost son, Mina described him as an “intelligent” and “kind” boy.
“Brandon was always making us laugh, even through his illness.

“He wanted to go to university and become a doctor, he had his whole life planned out.

“It's been an emotionally draining process but we will continue to fight for him.”