4 Hair Benefits Of Yam You Didn't Know

Yam is a staple food in Ghana popular among the Ashantis and Northerners. Yam is a rich source of energy and also Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Vitamin A is found in small quantities in this vegetable.

The common yam recipes include yam and garden eggs stew, fried yam and fish and yam fufu and goat light soup.

We have four good reasons to consume yam if you are suffering from hair loss or dandruff.

Hydrates scalp

Vitamin A in yam helps to produce and protect the oil in the scalp. This keeps the scalp hydrated and will prevent hair fall due to breakage. It will also keep the mane silky and shiny. For shiny and silky hair, incorporate yam in your diet at least every week.

Good for hair growth

Yam supports hair growth because it contains beta-carotene and anthocyanins. Beta-carotene prevents dry and dull hair and the formation of dandruff.

The  Vitamin A also makes it an excellent food for healthy hair.

Improves blood circulation in the scalp

Yam contains a high amount of iron and this helps RBC in the blood to carry more oxygen to the scalp.

This, in turn, increases the blood circulation in the scalp, resulting in healthy and strong hair. If your body is deficient in iron, it may cause loss of hair and baldness.

Stops premature hair graying

Being a rich source of Vitamin B6, yam aids in the increased production of melanin, which provides color to the hair, and thus prevents premature graying of hair.