Prez Trump Brings 'Heavily Armed Soldiers', Tear-Gas Protesters Around The White House And Walks To Church To Hold Up A Bible For A PHOTO Op

President Donald Trump declared himself the 'law and order president' Monday night as law enforcement officials used rubber bullets, tear gas and officers on horse back to clear out protesters so Trump could walk to an historic church across from the White House for a photo-op.

'I am your president of law and order,' Trump said in the Rose Garden as the split screen on televisions across the nation showed peaceful protesters being fired upon and cleared out 30 minutes before Washington D.C.'s curfew went into affect. 

'The biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities, and as they are president, I will fight to keep them safe. I will fight to protect you. I am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters,' Trump said in brief remarks. As he spoke helicopters circled over head and booming sounds could be heard. 

Armed offices on horse back cleared protesters from around the White House so the president could walk across Lafayette Park to pay his respects to St. John's Church, the historic chapel across from the White House known as the president's church. It suffered damage in Sunday night's protest.